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We offer a number of resources to help you solve any problems you might encounter while using Camino. It's always a good thing to read the Features, FAQ, Documentation, and Release Notes pages and be familiar with what the documentation covers before contacting either the Camino mailing list, our forum, or our feedback email address.

Since Camino has Find-As-You-Type technology you will be able to find information on any webpage without using a search field. First hit the forward slash key (/) and then start typing the word or subject you are looking for. You will find anything in the blink of an eye.

About Camino

Q. Does Camino support Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger?

A. Yes. Version 0.8.4 and above do. However, builds previous to this have an issue when creating or switching tabs while a plugin exists in them. To fix this, simply download a newer version.

Q. Does Camino support Mac OS X 10.1?

A. In order for the Camino team to implement newer features into Camino, it was necessary to end the support for versions of Mac OS X previous to 10.2.8. The final build that supports 10.1 is 0.8.4, and can be downloaded here.

Q. What is Camino?

A. Camino is a free, open-source web browser for Mac OS X and is based on the Mozilla codebase. It is small, fast, and easy-to-use, and offers many advantages over other browsers, such as the ability to block pop-up windows. Read more about the browser at the Features page or on our main Project page.

Q. What is Mozilla?

A. Mozilla is an open-source web browser and toolkit, designed for standards compliance, performance, and portability. The Mozilla Foundation coordinates the development and testing of the Firefox browser by providing discussion forums, software engineering tools, releases, and bug-tracking tools. For more about, read Mozilla at a Glance.

Q. What's the difference between Camino and Firefox?

A. Camino is a native Mac OS X application, this means it will only work on the Mac platform. Firefox, however, comes in all kinds and flavors and works on several operating systems. Camino combines the Mac user experience — famous for its consistent visual and behavioral experience across applications and the operating system — with the Gecko rendering engine — built and tested by thousands of volunteers, incorporating the absolute cutting edge in web innovations. It uses the Mac OS X native interface called Aqua and uses API's and services only available to applications native to Mac OS X. Some of these services include the Address Book, Spotlight, KeyChain, and Bonjour (Rendezvous). Though Firefox looks like it's using the same Aqua interface it actually fakes it.

Q. Is Camino free?

A. Yes! Camino is open source software, meaning that anyone has the right to download and use the browser for free, and view and modify the source code under the terms of the license.

Q. Can Camino coexist with Mozilla and/or Firefox?

A. Yes. Camino, Firefox, and the Mozilla Application Suite use different profiles that don't interfere with each other.

Q. What happened to Mozilla's Chimera project?

A. Camino is what was formerly called the Chimera project. For copyright reasons beyond our the projects control, we were forced to choose a new name for the project.

Q. What does "Camino" mean?

A. "Camino" is spanish, as in "el Camino." It means "way" or "path" and is an extension to the original idea of "Navigator" from which this project sprang.

Q. Why should I use Camino?

A. Because it's free, it's the only Mac OS X native browser using the excellent Gecko rendering engine, it's the most secure browser, and it has an incredible amount of well-done features such as nuisance blocking to get rid of those annoying ads.

Installing Camino

Q. Where can I download Camino?

A. Click here to download the latest official release of Camino, for more information about the release see the release notes.

Q. How do I install Camino?

A. To install Camino you simply have to drag the Camino application icon to your Applications folder.

Q. How do I uninstall Camino?

A. Simply drag the Camino icon to the trash and empty the trash. Optionally, remove the profile folder (in your home directory ~/Library/Application Support/Camino), which contains all your bookmarks and settings.

Q. How do I make Camino the default browser in Panther and Tiger?

A. Choose Preferences from the Camino menu, and go to the General preference pane. Choose Camino as your default browser from the Default browser pop-up menu at the bottom of the preference pane.

General Questions

Q. Is Camino more secure than Internet Explorer?

A. Yes, Camino and all other Mozilla-based products are more secure. Why? No spyware/adware software can automatically install in Camino just by visiting a web site. You have complete control over cookies.

Q. What's the difference between releases and nightlies?

A. Releases are generally more stable versions of Camino that should probably be downloaded by the first-time user. Nightly builds are released every night and contain the very latest changes, including new features and bugs. Don't expect everything to work in the nightly builds. (Well, don't expect everything to work in the releases either, considering the pre-1.0 state of Camino!)

Q. Is Camino available in my language?

A. Possibly. Since Camino is an open-source project, contributors are constantly translating Camino into other languages. You can check if Camino is available in your language at the official Camino Translation Project. If you want to translate Camino into your language, be sure to check out these instructions. Make sure you check the list of active contributors first so you don't end up doing duplicate work.

Q. Where are my bookmarks, history, and other personal information saved?

A. Camino stores your personal settings — such as the bookmarks, cache, and web form data — in your profile folder (in your home folder ~/Library/Application Support/Camino).

Q. Why doesn't Camino have feature X?

A. Camino is still a product in development and is not feature-complete yet. Having said that, we intend to keep Camino as simple and easy to use as possible, so we are reluctant to add a lot of new features. If there is a feature that you think really should be there, send us feedback.

Q. Does Camino support Firefox extensions?

A. No, and it never will. Firefox extensions rely on XUL (a user interface toolkit made by the Mozilla Foundation) to interact with the user and draw their interface. Camino uses Cocoa (an interface toolkit made by Apple) and does not support XUL.

Customizing Camino

Q. How do I import bookmarks from my other browser?

A. Select "Import Bookmarks" in the File menu and choose the file to be imported. The bookmarks will appear in a new collection in the Bookmark manager.

Note that although it initially shows you Netscape/Mozilla's bookmarks, you can import bookmarks from Safari, OmniWeb, iCab, Mozilla, Netscape, and Camino itself.

Q. How do I customize the toolbar?

A. Go to the "View" main menu item and select "Customize Toolbar...". A sheet will drop from the toolbar which allows you to add, remove and rearrange the icons on the toolbar.

Q. Where are my passwords saved?

A. On Mac OS X all of the passwords that are added to the keychain can be accessed and edited in the Keychain Access application located in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder.

Q. What's the keyboard shortcut for [random feature]?

A. Go to our Keyboard Shortcuts page and read the full list of supported shortcuts.

Q. How do I create a tab group?

A. A tab group is a bookmark that contains multiple sites that opens in seperate tabs. In order to create a tab group, bookmark your currently open page, but when the bookmark options sheet appears, check the "Bookmark all tabs" checkbox.

Q. Does Camino have an Ad Blocker?

A. Yes, Camino has an ad blocker, but it is disabled by default. Activate the ad blocker by going to Preferences in the Camino menu, and selecting the Web Features pane. Check the "Block web advertising" checkbox and relaunch Camino. Enjoy the web without ads.

Q. Does Camino support Java?

A. Yes! Camino supports Java applets and other features with the Java Embedding Plugin (JEP). JEP is bundled with all versions of Camino starting with 0.9.


Q. Various characters don't show right in Camino (such as the € and £ signs). How do I make them show?

A. Camino has difficulty encoding some pages. To fix this, simply specify the encoding on the page by going to View -> Text Encoding.

Q. I have difficulty creating and switching tabs on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger?

A. As stated above, users who have not upgraded to a recent release will experience difficulty with the tab system. To solve this problem, upgrade to a newer version.

Q. I can't open Camino in the script editor. Why doesn't Camino support Applescript?

A. If you try to open Camino AppleScript dictionary, say from Script Editor, you'll get an error. To work around this, open the application package, and remove the "Localized.rsrc" file in Contents/Resources/English.lproj. This will, however, prevent Shockwave Director content from loading so we recommend you do this on a copy of the application.

Q. What is Talkback?

A. If Camino crashes, you'll see a program called Talkback appear, asking you to send information about the crash. Asa Dotzler of has written a good explanation of what Talkback is:

Talkback is a client application and server (plus server infrastructure and development/administration people) contributed to by Netscape., many years ago, agreed to make an exception and include this product with our binary nightly and milestone distributions even though it's not open source because it provides huge value in debugging and isolating stability issues. Talkback has been used to identify and debug thousands of major crash bugs in Mozilla over the years and we're very happy to be able to include it in the Firefox [and Camino] testing builds.

How it works: A Talkback binary is packaged up with the Camino browser binary. When the browser crashes, the Talkback application is triggered and it offers the user the option to participate. If a user says no then nothing happens. If a user agrees to help the Mozilla effort by submitting crash data then she is prompted with optional fields for including her e-mail address, the URL that triggered the crash, and a comment. That user-entered data along with a stacktrace of the crash is sent to a Talkback server at Netscape which is accessible to many of the Mozilla developers. In aggregate, all of the crash data can very quickly point out specific problems being encountered by large groups of users. A small team of engineers pour through these aggregate reports and turn them into bugzilla bugs with good debug information which leads to quick fixing of the most high-profile stability problems. To see some of these bugs, query Bugzilla for the keywords topcrash and topcrash+.

What else: Talkback is not spyware, adware or anything of the like. Users are clearly prompted and asked to submit the report. User data unrelated to the Mozilla crash isn't at all useful to us. We only care about making Mozilla more stable. If you don't want to help Mozilla, Firefox, and Camino become more stable by submitting your crash reports then don't. No data is being sent without your explicit consent. I'd encourage anyone that wants to see this browser improve to submit those reports. They are very, very helpful. But, like I said, if you don't want to, then don't. Just remember that we can't fix the bugs we can't identify. If you're happy seeing the same crash over and over then don't worry about sending in that report.