Difference between revisions of "QA:Resymbolized Frames"

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(add an nsW sE so I don't have to look it up again)
(add 2 10.4.11 x86 _NSRaiseError stacks)
Line 4: Line 4:
2 Foundation Foundation@0x411c8 +[NSException raise:format:]
2 Foundation Foundation@0x411c8 +[NSException raise:format:]
3 Foundation Foundation@0x3d200 -[NSBigMutableString characterAtIndex:]
3 Foundation Foundation@0x3d200 -[NSBigMutableString characterAtIndex:]
4 AppKit AppKit@0x131670 -[NSTextView mouseDown:]
4 AppKit AppKit@0x131670 -[NSTextView mouseDown:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
Line 12: Line 12:
3 AppKit AppKit@0x93dac _NSBlockNumberForIndex
3 AppKit AppKit@0x93dac _NSBlockNumberForIndex
4 AppKit AppKit@0xe1610 -[NSLayoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:]
4 AppKit AppKit@0xe1610 -[NSLayoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x13198c -[NSTextView mouseDown:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x13198c -[NSTextView mouseDown:]
6 AppKit AppKit@0x12f62c -[NSTextField mouseDown:]
6 AppKit AppKit@0x12f62c -[NSTextField mouseDown:]
7 AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
7 AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
Line 25: Line 25:
X AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
X AppKit AppKit@0x644dc -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
0 libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend 
1 Foundation Foundation@0x50ebf _NSRaiseError
2 Foundation Foundation@0x77c56 +[NSException raise:format:]
3 AppKit AppKit@0xd8d8a _NSBlockNumberForIndex
4 AppKit AppKit@0x134f77 -[NSLayoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x11cce4 -[NSTextView mouseDown:]
6 AppKit AppKit@0xf3df2 -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
7 Camino -[NSWindow nsCocoaWindow_NSWindow_sendEvent:]
8 AppKit AppKit@0xe5d8b -[NSApplication sendEvent:]
9 AppKit AppKit@0x108e6 -[NSApplication run]
10 AppKit AppKit@0x481f NSApplicationMain
0 libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend 
1 Foundation Foundation@0x50ebf _NSRaiseError
2 Foundation Foundation@0x77c56 +[NSException raise:format:]
3 Foundation Foundation@0xd4cf7 _NSArrayRaiseBoundException
4 Foundation Foundation@0x73e0 -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]
5 AppKit AppKit@0x18da8 -[NSUIHeartBeat updateHeartBeatState]
6 AppKit AppKit@0x17f7b -[NSApplication updateWindows]
7 AppKit AppKit@0x17e7f _handleWindowsNeedUpdateNote
8 CoreFoundation __CFRunLoopDoObservers
9 CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific
10 CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunInMode
11 HIToolbox HIToolbox@0x9877
12 HIToolbox HIToolbox@0x8eb8
13 HIToolbox HIToolbox@0x8dd8
14 AppKit AppKit@0x16f44 _DPSNextEvent
15 AppKit AppKit@0x16b36 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
16 AppKit AppKit@0x108c3 -[NSApplication run]
17 AppKit AppKit@0x481f NSApplicationMain

Revision as of 12:45, 23 June 2010

All frames from 10.4.11 PPC unless otherwise noted.

1  	Foundation  	Foundation@0x41548  	_NSRaiseError
2 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x411c8 	+[NSException raise:format:]
3 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x3d200 	-[NSBigMutableString characterAtIndex:]
4 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x131670 	 	-[NSTextView mouseDown:]
5 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x644dc 	 	-[NSWindow sendEvent:]

1  	Foundation  	Foundation@0x41548  	_NSRaiseError
2 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x411c8 	+[NSException raise:format:]
3 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x93dac 	 	_NSBlockNumberForIndex
4 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0xe1610 	 	-[NSLayoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:]
5 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x13198c 	 	-[NSTextView mouseDown:]
6 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x12f62c 	 	-[NSTextField mouseDown:]
7 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x644dc 	 	-[NSWindow sendEvent:]

1  	Foundation  	Foundation@0x41548  	_NSRaiseError
2 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x411c8 	+[NSException raise:format:]
3 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x434c 	-[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]
4 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0xa058 	 	-[NSUIHeartBeat updateHeartBeatState]
5 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x9388 	 	-[NSApplication updateWindows]
6 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x9294 	 	_handleWindowsNeedUpdateNote

X 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x644dc 	 	-[NSWindow sendEvent:]

0	libobjc.A.dylib	 	 	 	objc_msgSend  	
1	Foundation	Foundation@0x50ebf	_NSRaiseError
2	Foundation	Foundation@0x77c56	+[NSException raise:format:]
3	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0xd8d8a 	 	_NSBlockNumberForIndex
4	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x134f77 	 	-[NSLayoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:effectiveRange:]
5	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x11cce4 	 	-[NSTextView mouseDown:]
6	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0xf3df2 	 	-[NSWindow sendEvent:]
7	Camino 	 	 	 	 	-[NSWindow nsCocoaWindow_NSWindow_sendEvent:]
8	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0xe5d8b 	 	-[NSApplication sendEvent:]
9	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x108e6 	 	-[NSApplication run]
10	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x481f 	 	NSApplicationMain

0	libobjc.A.dylib	 	 	 	objc_msgSend  	
1 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x50ebf	_NSRaiseError
2 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x77c56	+[NSException raise:format:]
3 	Foundation 	Foundation@0xd4cf7	_NSArrayRaiseBoundException
4 	Foundation 	Foundation@0x73e0	-[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]
5 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x18da8 	 	-[NSUIHeartBeat updateHeartBeatState]
6 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x17f7b 	 	-[NSApplication updateWindows]
7 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x17e7f 	 	_handleWindowsNeedUpdateNote
8 	CoreFoundation	 	 	 	__CFRunLoopDoObservers 	
9 	CoreFoundation	 	 	 	CFRunLoopRunSpecific 	
10 	CoreFoundation	 	 	 	CFRunLoopRunInMode 	
11 	HIToolbox 	HIToolbox@0x9877 	
12 	HIToolbox 	HIToolbox@0x8eb8 	
13 	HIToolbox 	HIToolbox@0x8dd8 	
14 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x16f44 	 	_DPSNextEvent
15 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x16b36 	 	-[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
16 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x108c3 	 	-[NSApplication run]
17 	AppKit 	 	AppKit@0x481f 	 	NSApplicationMain