QA:Hardware Configurations
Who to bug for OS/hardware combinations
When you need patch testing or triage help....
- froodian - iBook G4 1.33 GHz, 1.25 GB, running OS X 10.4 (latest update)
- clawson - PowerBook G4 1.5 GHz, 2 GB, 10.4 (latest update). Kensington Expert Mouse with Kensington drivers.
- Torben has Macs that run 10.2.8 and 10.3.9
- smorgan has an iMac Core Duo
- Wevah has a MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz, 2 GB, running 10.4.7
- hwaara has an iMac G5, 1.9 GHz, 1 GB, running latest OS X 10.4. Uses a Mighty Mouse.
- kreeger has an iBook G4 Latest 10.4, access to a 10.3.9 Mac Mini, uses various mice, and has a couple of windows XP/Linux machines.
- japser
- Ludo
- BruceD
- delliott has a MacBook Core Duo 1.83, 512MB, 10.4
- sardisson - PowerBook G4 1.33 GHz, 1.5 GB, running 10.3.9
- can do simple project changes in lieu of pink's or mento's Xcode 2.0 Macs
- ss - iBook G4 1.2 GHz, 1.25 GB, running 10.4 and Intel Mac mini Core Duo running 10.4.7
- peeja - (for now) iBook G3 900MHz, 384MB, 10.3.9
Project Leads
They all have some manner of Intel Mac, plus others
- pinkerton - Has hardware so sweet that he won't tell us, has both PPC and Intel machines, and uses a Microsoft wheel mouse
- mento has like seven Macs or something and can run releases as old as 10.1.
- smfr
found on #camino
- pnhChris runs 10.3.9
- davedit is on 10.4
- krmathis is also on 10.4
- encro has access to the following machines:
OS X 10.3.9 iBook G4 1.2GHz/768MB/60GB/Bluetooth/Airport OS X 10.4.7 iMac G4 TFT 800MHz/768MB/60GB/Bluetooth/Airport OS X 10.4.7 Mac mini Core Duo 2Ghz/512MB/80GB/Bluetooth/Airport OS X 10.4.7 MacBook Pro Core Duo 1.83Ghz/2GB/80GB/Bluetooth/Airport