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Tabbed browing

Tabbed browsing offers an established way to surf the Internet, allowing you to have multiple pages open while only having to manage a single window. If you like, you can still have multiple windows or even multiple windows each with multiple tabs. Tabs can be set to load the pages in the background or immediately become the front most page; the choice is yours. The advantage of tabbed browsing is that you can open linked pages into background tabs as you continue to read another page.

For example: you're reading the daily news and the article links to more data about the subject. Using a non-tabbed browser you could choose to open the link in a new window and then return to the article or wait until you finished the article and then go back and find the link. Using a tabbed browser you can send the link into a tab where it will load in the background and be ready for reading when you're finished with your article. Once you're accustomed to tabs anything else will just feel clumsy.

Camino may not be the only browser on the market with tabs, but with Camino 0.9 we have improved the use-ability and speed considerably. We redisigned the way tabbed browings looks and works making sure we retained the existing metaphor, solving previous limitations and bringing many new usefull features. All to make browsing the web even easier, faster and more fun.