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Lead in

We designed Camino 0.9 not just to allow you to look at websites, although it does a fine job of that - but also to help you manage your web browsing experience completely, while not creating extra work for you. We think it's important that your browser be less like a television, and more like a powerful tool that lets you get at the information you want, quickly and easily.

World's Best Rendering Engine

At the heart of Camino is its rendering engine, the component responsible for laying out the content of web sites. Camino uses the Gecko rendering engine, the same engine used in the popular Firefox web browser. Gecko renders web pages more accurately than any other rendering engine on the planet. Not only is it incredibly fast but it also supports the latest W3C web standards such as HTML, XML, XHTML, XSLT, DOM, CSS and JavaScript. With Camino 0.9 we made a great effort to vastly improve the speed and reliability for plugins we support such as QuickTime, Flash, Shockwave, and Java.

Mac OS X Integrated

Camino perfectly integrates into your Mac OS X computing environment. The native Cocoa interface and the beautifully designed icons make Camino a very usefull and elegant desktop citizen.

But our level of integration is not just skin deep. With Camino 0.9 we integrated functionality that uses System Services, System Preferences, Mail application, Address Book application, Keychain application, Bonjour and Spotlight. All designed to create the seamless experience users come to expect from software running on Apple's Mac OS X.

Some old text: Camino supports the services inside the application menu to provide quick access to other tools and utilities installed on your machine. It also integrates the Address Book into its bookmark manager, so you'll never forget the URLs of your closest friends again. And we added smart mailto: links context menu support. Allowing you to copy email asdresses, add them to Address Book if the address isn't already in Address Book and allows you to show in Address Book if the address is already in Address Book.

-- An image of the Mail and Address Book applications should be shown here.

Nuisance Control

Camino puts an end to annoying pop-up windows and advertisements with its annoyance blocking technology. These two features alone make surfing the Web a much more enjoyable experience by preventing sites from opening windows and advertisements that get in between you and the information you're looking for.

Most pop-ups are unwanted but some sites make legitimate use of them. To ensure that you can always fully access the site you're visiting, Camino will display an icon in the status bar whenever a pop-up is blocked. If you want to allow the site to use pop-ups you can unblock the site or access Camino's white-list by clicking the icon.


We know some of our users just need expandability of their browser, Camino provides it. With this latest release we allow developers to create some amzing preference panels allowing you to take even more control over you browing experience. Just drop the about:config preference panel in your profile folder and all off a suddon you can control every preference within Camino, even those hidden preferences. Or download CEP which provides a more Mac like way to deal with all those options. You could also give FlashBlock a try, this neat little plugin gives you control over when and when not to display flash animations.

With documentation available we challange any of you to create even more usefull tools for an already very usefull browser.

Tabbed browing

Tabbed browsing offers an established way to surf the Internet, allowing you to have multiple pages open while only having to manage a single window. If you like, you can still have multiple windows or even multiple windows each with multiple tabs. Tabs can be set to load the pages in the background or immediately become the front most page; the choice is yours.

For example: you're reading the daily news and the article links to more data about the subject. Using a non-tabbed browser you could choose to open the link in a new window and then return to the article or wait until you finished the article and then go back and find the link. Using a tabbed browser you can send the link into a tab where it will load in the background and be ready for reading when you're finished with your article. Once you're accustomed to tabs anything else will just feel clumsy.

Camino may not be the only browser on the market with tabs, but with Camino 0.9 we have improved the use-ability and speed considerably. We redisigned the way tabbed browings looks and works making sure we retained the existing metaphor, solving previous limitations and bringing many new usefull features. All to make browsing the web even easier, faster and more fun.

Bookmark and History management

There's more to our bookmarks than just being able to save your favorite websites. With Camino the number 2 activity for a browser is now as pleasant as can be. We worked hard to provide a true Macintosh experience; nowhere is this more evident than in Camino's bookmark manager. If you've ever used iTunes™ or Spotlight™ then you'll feel right at home with this simple, split-pane interface. Here, you can search for bookmark and history items, edit bookmark names and addresses in place just as though you were renaming an icon on your desktop. You can create any number of folders in your library and choose whether they appear in the bookmarks bar or menu.

Open Source

The Camino team is proud to say that our product is open-source software from head to toe. This revolutionary method of development allows a diverse group of people from around the world to work together on a product that is truly developed by and for people.

With so many eyes going over the code in Camino and especially its Gecko rendering engine, mistakes are caught quickly and the result is a more robust and secure product.

Because Camino lacks a corporate agenda, its developers are free to do what they feel is best for their users and the software community. This results in a dedication to open standards that is necessary in order for internet technology to move forward in directions that are beneficial to end-users.

If you are interested in the Camino development process, we encourage you to visit our development page. We are always looking for developers with skills ranging from graphic and web design to testers and coders.