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Checking In

After a patch has review+ from two reviewers and superreview+ from one of the Camino leads, it needs to be checked in.

Check-ins for Camino can be made by any of the super-reviewers listed above as well as ardissone, froodian, hwaara and kreeger (note that froodian, hwaara, kreeger, and smfr are not currently checking in Camino patches, nor, with some exceptions, will pinkerton or mento check in patches they have not written).

If no one is around to check in your patch after it has received the requisite approvals, add checkin-needed to the bug's Keyword field and one of the committers should notice and land your patch within a day or so. If they do not, make a comment in the bug or on IRC.

Also note that the mozilla/camino directory hierarchy is open for approved Camino check-ins regardless of the state of various trees and branches, with a few exceptions, such as tagging of major branches, red Camino tinderboxen, missing Camino perf or nightly tinderboxen, etc.

N.B When the Camino tree is closed while the Mozilla tree is closed, there is typically a note on the Camino tinderbox explaining the closure, and the closure is often mentioned in the “topic” in the #camino channel on IRC. However, when the opposite is true—Mozilla is closed and Camino is open—there is typically no indication of the fact. If you are unsure of the state of the Camino tree, ask on in the #camino channel on IRC.

Checkin tips for new (and old) committers


Remember that Hg is a distributed VCS, so that most operations are local. In particular, where “committing” to the official repository was a single operation with CVS (cvs commit), it is a pair of operations with Hg (the local-only hg commit and the local-to-remote hg push).

Configuration changes to allow you to check code into the official repository

In order to be able to push changes to a remote hg repository, you will need to make a pair of configuration changes:

  1. If you do not already have a ~/.ssh/config file to help manage your ssh connections, create the file using your favorite text editor. Once the file exists, insert the following lines:

User user@domain.tld (where user@domain.tld is the email address associated with your Mozilla Hg/LDAP account)

  1. In each local clone from which you wish to push changes (e.g., mozilla-1.9.2 and camino), edit the .hg/hgrc file and add a default-push line. The default-push line should look exactly the same as the default line, except you should replace default’s http:// with ssh://. For example, the .hg/hgrc file for the camino repository should look like this:

default =

default-push = ssh://

Add a hook to ensure complete checkin messages

For some reason Camino committers appear far more likely to drop a required part of the commit message with Hg commits than we did with CVS. An easy way to prevent bad commit messages is to use a “hook” that checks your commit message for required data and aborts the commit with a helpful error when the data is missing.

Smokey has written a hook that ensures commit messages contain the bug number and at least one reviewer or superreviewer: bugnum. By default the bugnum hook only enforces these commit message rules for mozilla-* and camino, so you can use the script as a global hook and still commit to other Hg repositories that don’t require bug numbers or reviews, or you can customize the hook to add additional repositories to the grep pattern in order to enforce the rules on additional repositories.

  1. Install the bugnum script somewhere and make sure that it is executable.
  2. Add the following lines to your ~/.hgrc file:

pretxncommit.bugnum = /path/to/bugnum $HG_NODE (If, for some reason, you don’t want a global hook, you can instead add these lines to the .hg/hgrc file inside each individual repository where you want to use the hook.)

For more about Hg hooks, see Chapter 10. Handling repository events with hooks in the Hg book.

Checking in patches from others

Mercurial has a way of recording the actual patch author even when someone else is committing and pushing the patch. When you’re committing a patch written by someone else, use the following commit command syntax:

hg commit -u "Patch Author <>" -m "Complete commit message" file1 file2

If you find yourself committing patches for someone else frequently, you can add an alias to your ~/.hgrc file to save you some typing:

patchGuy = commit -u "Patch Author <>"

Then commit all of Patch Author’s patches using $ hg patchGuy -m "Complete commit message" file1 file2.

Figuring out what patches (commits) you are pushing to the remote repository

Once you’ve committed some patches and are ready to push them to the official repository, you can sanity-check what you’re about to send by using the hg outgoing command. If the list of patches (commits) looks correct, hg push will send them to the remote repository. Be sure to paste the changeset URLs in the bug when resolving it!


Checking in nibs

Sometimes a person who doesn't have CVS access will post a new or updated nib on a bug that needs to be checked in. The problem with this is that since a nib is technically a directory, there is a CVS folder inside the nib. If you attempt to check in a nib that has been changed by someone who has the CVSROOT set as "" (e.g., everyone without cvs write access), you will receive an authorization error from cvs. The problem is that the CVS/Root file is set as the anonymous CVSROOT, not your "" CVSROOT.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to copy a Root file from one of the directories you have pulled to and paste it inside the Something.nib/CVS folder.

Alternatively, instead of dropping that person’s nib in place, use cp /path/to/other/nib/*.nib /path/to/your/tree/nib; touch /path/to/your/nib to copy their nib files into your tree.

Trunk/branch mismatches

Sometimes (due mostly to Gecko changes on the trunk) the trunk and branch versions of a patch will diverge and you can't use cross-commit to land both places. If you're confident the branch patch has been well-tested and don't have a branch tree, you can pull just the files you need to commit (rather than pull an entire tree).

  1. Set up your cvs environment as normal (i.e., export cvsroot)
  2. cvs co -r MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH -d myfolder mozilla/camino/src/browser/foo mozilla/camino/PreferencePanes/Naviagtion/bar
    where MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH is the branch tag, myfolder is the folder in which you want the stub tree to live, and foo and bar are the files contained in the patch
  3. Apply the patch and commit the files "as normal"
Backing out a patch

Sometimes you accidentally commit something that shouldn't have landed yet, or sometimes (hopefully rarely) you commit something that breaks the tree and needs to be backed out. To back out a patch, follow these steps:

  1. If you need to back out something only on the branch and have no branch tree (i.e., you check in using cross-commit), follow the steps above to grab a "stub" branch tree of the files the patch touched.
  2. Consult bonsai for the correct backout command(s) to pull files (one per file) to run
    The "Show commands which could be used to back out these changes" link at the top of the appropriate bonsai page will give you the appropriate command, in the form of
    cvs update -j1.17.2.4 -j1.17.2.3 mozilla/camino/src/embedding/
    There will be one command per file (this particular example is a branch file, as you can see from the multiple sub-versions; the current [bad] version of the file is listed first and the previous [good] version is second)
  3. touch each file
  4. cvs diff -u the file(s) to sanity-check that the bad changes have been reverted in your local copy of the files
  5. cvs commit "as normal"; this will commit a new copy of the file(s) with the incorrect change backed out
Adding new files
  • cvs add
  • cvs add -kb for any binary files, including images, UTF-16-encoded files (e.g., .strings files from external projects), and keyedobjects.nib files inside .nibs.
Adding new nibs
  • cvs add the wrapper directory
  • cvs add -kb on keyedobjects.nib
  • cvs add on the remaining .nib files inside the wrapper directory
[Qalaat-Samaan:trunk/mozilla/camino] smokey% cvs add resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib
? resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/classes.nib
? resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/info.nib
? resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/keyedobjects.nib
Directory /cvsroot/mozilla/camino/resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib added to the repository
[Qalaat-Samaan:trunk/mozilla/camino] smokey% cvs add -kb resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/keyedobjects.nib
cvs add: scheduling file `resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/keyedobjects.nib' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
[Qalaat-Samaan:trunk/mozilla/camino] smokey% cvs add resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/classes.nib resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/info.nib
cvs add: scheduling file `resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/classes.nib' for addition
cvs add: scheduling file `resources/localized/English.lproj/SafeBrowsingBar.nib/info.nib' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add these files permanently