Development:Supporting Additional Web-based Feed Readers

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Revision as of 23:01, 29 September 2010 by Sardisson (talk | contribs) (intro)
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Camino 1.6 and newer ship with small AppleScript applications that handle the feed:// protocol in order to support choosing certain web-based feed readers (Google’s iGoogle and Google Reader, My Yahoo!, and Bloglines) as the user’s default feed reader.

The code for these applications lives in camino/feedhandlers, with supporting code in (prelaunchHelperApps, helperAppPrelaunchComplete, and doBackgroundPrelaunch:) to handle Quarantine and LaunchServices registration on the first launch of a Camino version.

Although the feedhandlers code is designed to built by Makefile (using osacompile and various shell commands), it is possible to manually assemble your own feedhandler application based on the source.