Releases:Website Checklist

From Camino Wiki
Revision as of 22:22, 18 April 2006 by Sardisson (talk | contribs) (readme, too)
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When preparing for a release, the following things need to be done (this list will probably need to be arranged in an "order" as appropriate):

  1. Create release notes on wiki
  2. Create release notes RTF
  3. Review ReadMe.rtf and change as needed (file is fairly static; mostly version # changes)
  4. File bug with final release notes and ReadMe.rtf (if applicable) in it (get review and checkin)
  5. Email Ludo with final release notes and ReadMe.rtf
  6. Create release notes on website
  7. Update htaccess file so that /releases/latest points to the new relnotes
  8. Get release version into Bouncer (pending final release file)
  9. Create download links (/download/releases/VERSION# and /download/releases/VERSION#-MultiLang)
  10. Create new "news" notification (remember atom file)
  11. Update main page version number(s)
  12. Update agentdetect scripts
  13. Make sure everything in CVS is correct
  14. Email yama with a list of changes so jp.cb.o can be updated in time

Camino 1.0.1

This is the process as we did it for Camino 1.0.1: