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About Camino 1.0.1

Camino 1.0.1 is a security and stability update for Camino 1.0 users; all users are recommended to upgrade.

Changes since Camino 1.0

Since the 1.0 release, we have made the following changes and improvements:

  • Fixed several critical security issues, including those fixed in version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine.
  • Upgraded the bundled Java Embedding Plugin to version 0.9.5+d
  • Improved ad-blocking, especially of German ads
  • Enabled the opening of local SVG files
  • Allowed the import of .p12 certificates

Highlights of Camino 1.0

Below is a list of the major changes in Camino 1.0. A full list is available on our website.
do we want to include the complete list from the 1.0 relnotes?
sam says yes. So just paste the above at the top of the 1.0 relnotes and replace the Known Issues with what's below

Known Issues

  • Microsoft's Windows Media Player (WMP) plugin causes major rendering issues in Camino. Since Microsoft has discontinued WMP on Mac OS X, Camino no longer supports the use of the WMP plugin; instead, all users should download the free Flip4Mac (F4M) plugin, version 2.0.2 or higher, from Version 2.0.2 causes pages containing WMP content to become white when scrolled in Camino; there is currently no ETA for a fixed version of F4M.
  • Although typing performance has improved in Camino 1.0, typing in form fields can be slow when Flash or animated images are present. Turning off animations can improve performance in some cases.
  • Shockwave Director content displays at the wrong location in the browser window when hardware rendering is enabled. Switch the plugin to software rendering to solve this.
  • Java applets on some web pages may crash on Mac OS X 10.4 in certain configurations. This can happen after a system update fails to fully upgrade all components of the system. If you experience crashes on pages that use Java applets, apply or reapply the latest “combo update” from Apple to ensure that your system is up to date.
  • Due to a bug in Mac OS X 10.2.x and 10.3.x, Norwegian users of Camino will need to manually set their 'accept-language' string. To set the accept-language string, add the string user_pref("camino.accept_languages", "nb,nn,no,en"); to your user.js file, where the languages are listed in the order in which you'd prefer them if a server can send content in multiple languages. (In this example, you want Bokmål first, then Nynorsk, then generic Norwegian, then English if none of the other three languages are available.) You may now launch Camino.

    Apple fixed this bug in Mac OS X 10.4, so no work-arounds are necessary.
  • Camino erroneously claims that the default Japanese and Traditional Chinese fonts are "missing" when they are actually installed; this is due to a mismatch between Carbon and Cocoa font names. Changing these fonts using the Camino user interface will result in incorrect fonts being chosen and will cause some characters to fail to display. Users should either keep the default fonts or change the fonts manually, ensuring the Carbon font names are used.