Releases:Website Checklist

From Camino Wiki
Revision as of 10:12, 28 August 2007 by Sardisson (talk | contribs) (roadmap, too)
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When preparing for a release, the following things need to be done (this list will probably need to be arranged in an "order" as appropriate):

  1. Create release notes on website (including anchors for each of the sections, i.e., for easy linking to Known Issues).
  2. Update htaccess file so that /releases/latest points to the new relnotes
  3. Get release version into Bouncer (pending final release file)
  4. Create download links (/download/releases/VERSION# and /download/releases/VERSION#-MultiLang)
  5. Create new "news" notification (remember atom file)
  6. Update main page version number(s)
    •  ???
  7. Update agentdetect scripts
  8. Make sure everything in CVS is correct
  9. Update m.o VARIABLES
    • this needs the bouncer urls, file size, etc., and the cbo release note url
    • Sam has blanket-a=reed to update VARIABLES for Camino; if Sam is missing, get reed to do it for us
  10. Try to get mozillaZine to update their links :P
  11. Update the tag in Development:Building#FAQ
  12. Update the dates and links in Development:Roadmap

Camino 1.0.1

This is the process as we did it for Camino 1.0.1: