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[I feel this info should be in the FAQ, and could coexist with a separate page too, if deemed that important. -daniel]
[I feel this info should be in the FAQ, and could coexist with a separate page too, if deemed that important. -daniel]
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Revision as of 00:39, 5 November 2005

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How Do I...

Q: How do I empty the cache? A: You have two choices. In 0.9 nightlies, you can choose "Empty Cache" from the Camino menu. In earlier versions, open Camino's preferences, click "Navigation", then "History", then "Empty Cache".

Q: How do I make the text on pages bigger or smaller? A: In the View menu, choose Bigger Text or Smaller Text. You can also add toolbar buttons to customize text size by going to the View menu and selecting 'Customize Toolbar.'

Q: How do I view my browsing history? A: Choose "Show History" from the View menu, or type Command-Y.

Q: How do I email someone a link to the page I'm looking at? A:

  1. Pull down the File menu and select "Send Link".
  2. Your email program should open a new message window, and put the URL for the current page into the message.
  3. Fill out the To: and Cc: fields and add some more text to the message if you like.
  4. Click the "Send" button to send the message.

If step 2 doesn't work, make sure that you have set up your preferred email program. To do this, click on the System Preferences icon in the Dock. Then click on the Internet icon, to open up the Internet Preferences. Click on the Email tab, and check that your preferred email program is selected in the "Default Email Reader" popup menu.

If you use "Send Link" frequently, you may like to add a button for it to the toolbar. Follow the steps for adding the Google Search bar, but add the "Send Link" button instead.

Q: How do I turn Popup Blocking on or off? A: The first time a web page tries to show a popup window, Camino will ask if you want to allow popups or not. You may go back and change this setting in the Preferences. From the Navigator Menu, choose "Preferences...", then click on the Web Features icon. On the bottom of the window, click in the "Enable popup blocking" check box to turn it on or off.

When a popup is blocked, a pop icon appears at the bottom left of the browser window.

Q: How do I unblock a popup that should have come up? A: Click the "pop" icon to display a menu of the sites which just attempted to display a popup window (there could be more than one). Choose the site from which you want to unblock future popups then reload the page.

Q: How do I block popup windows? A: Open Camino's preferences, click "Web Features", then check "Block Popup Windows". You can also edit the list of websites who are allowed to popup windows here.

Q: How do I make my downloaded files open automatically, in Stuffit Expander, Preview, and so forth? A: Open Camino's preferences, click "Navigation", then "Downloads", then check "Automatically open downloaded files". Files you download will automatically open in whatever application your Mac thinks they should. PDFs should open in Preview or Acrobat Reader, disk images should open in Disk Utility or the Finder, and so on. Keep in mind that opening files automatically is not always a good idea, and you practice safer computing by opening downloaded files manually.

Q: How do I make Camino my default browser? A: There are at least two ways to do this (until [bug 218271] is fixed, that is).

  1. Download [RCDefaultApp] to set your default web browser and all kinds of other defaults applications to handle various tasks.
  2. Open Safari, open its preferences, click "General", then choose Camino from the popup menu.

Q: How do I uninstall Camino? A: Uninstalling Camino is as simple as installing the app.

  1. Drag the Camino icon from your applications folder to the trash
  2. Drag the Camino application support folder to the trash. It is located in <your home directory>/Library/Application Support. The application support folder contains your settings, bookmarks and other stuff.

Q: How do I make this Japanese/Chinese/other page in a non-roman language display correctly? It looks like a bunch of garbage characters, question marks and stuff. A: First, you must have the language kits for the languages of interest installed. These come on your Mac OS X Install or Software Restore CDs or DVDs that came with your mac. Assuming you have those, you can try changing the Text Encoding Camino is using for the page. In the View menu, choose Text Encoding, and choose an encoding that looks sensible. Try Unicode™ first — it's at the bottom of the menu.

[I feel this info should be in the FAQ, and could coexist with a separate page too, if deemed that important. -daniel]


Q: How do I manage bookmarks? A: To organize, create and delete bookmarks, choose "Show All Bookmarks" in the Bookmarks menu. You can drag items around to rearrange them, and use the buttons at the bottom to make new folders and bookmarks, and edit and delete bookmarks.


Q: How do I manage my bookmarks ? A: In the Bookmarks menu, choose "Show all bookmarks". The bookmarks manager is displayed. At the bottom of the screen, you can use the buttons on the left to add new folders, new bookmarks or new menu separators. At the bottom right, you can use the search field to search among your bookmarks : type the word you want to search, press "Enter", a list of results is displayed. Double-click on a result to view the page, or select a result and use the "Locate" button to locate it among your bookmarks.

Q: How do I import Bookmarks from another browser? A: Select "Import Bookmarks" on the File menu and choose the file to be imported. The bookmarks will appear in a new collection in the Bookmarks manager.

Note that, although it initially shows you Netscape/Mozilla's bookmarks, you can import bookmarks from Safari, OmniWeb, iCab, Mozilla, Netscape, and Camino itself.

Q: How do I export Bookmarks? A: Select "Export Bookmarks" on the File menu. In the Save dialog, choose a location and name for the exported bookmarks, and click "Export". You can export bookmarks as either HTML or Safari's bookmark format. Import these bookmarks into the other browser via its import features (which will vary depending on which browser it is).

Q: How do I make new bookmarks? A: You can add a Bookmark to your Bookmarks folder in several ways:

  1. With a web page opened, select "Add Page to Bookmarks" from the Bookmarks menu, or use the Command-D shortcut. You can simply click OK to save the Bookmark in the Bookmarks folder, or you can rename the web page. You can also save the page in a subfolder in the bookmarks by choosing that folder in the "Create in:" popup menu.
  2. With the Bookmark Manager opened, you can add a page to Bookmarks by dragging the icon next to the location bar and dropping it into a destination folder in the Bookmark Manager.

Q: How do I add items to the Bookmarks Toolbar? A: The Bookmarks Toolbar is the area just under the main toolbar which can display some items from your bookmarks folder. To add a link there, just click and drag that link from a tab (drag the little icon), from a web page link, or from the location bar (again, drag the little icon). Drag an item to the Trash can in the Finder to delete it from this toolbar.

To make more changes, show the Bookmark Manager and edit the contents of the Toolbar Bookmarks container.

Q: How do I change what is displayed in the Dock menu? A: Click-holding on the Camino icon in the dock shows a menu with several commonly used features as well as the contents of one of the folders in your bookmarks. The initial folder is the "Top Ten" collection. To use a different folder for the Dock menu, Control-click on a folder in the Bookmark Manager and select "Use As Dock Menu".

Q: How do I reset what's in the Top Ten list? A: The Top Ten collection is a "smart collection" that fills up automatically as you surf to different websites. It is comprised of the top ten most visited sites in your bookmarks (and only your bookmarks). To remove an item:

  1. Control-click the bookmark which you want to remove from the Top Ten, either in the Top Ten list itself or the actual bookmark.
  2. Select "Get Info" from the context menu
  3. Click the "Status" tab
  4. Click "Clear Visits"

Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed Browsing lets you open more than one web page in a single window. Each web page displays in its own tab, and you can see a list of the pages open in a window in the row of tabs along the top of the browser area. Simply click the appropriate tab to switch that page into view.

Q: How do I open a new blank tab? A: From the File menu choose "New Tab", or use the shortcut, Command-T.

Q: How do I close a tab? A: From the File menu choose "Close Tab", or use the shortcut, Command-W. Note that when a window has multiple tabs open, Command-W closes the tab, rather than the window. To close a window with multiple tabs in it, use Command-Shift-W. There is also a close button on each tab.

There are various items on the tab context menu (Control-click, or right-click on a tab), for making and closing tabs.

Q: How do I open a link in a new tab? A: Hold down the Control key, and click on the link. (If you have to two-button mouse, right-click the link.) From the context menu, choose "Open Link in New Tab".

If you customize your tabbed browsing preferences (see below), you can make Command-clicking on a link open it in a new tab.

Q: How do I set up Tabbed Browsing? A: There are several ways to customize Tabbed Browsing. Open up the Preferences window (on the Navigator menu), and click on the Navigation icon. Then go to the "Tabbed Browsing" tab. You can set up your preferences to open a new tab if you click a link while holding down the Command key. You also have Camino load new tabs in the background so that you can continue to read the first page while the second page is loading.

Q: How do I move between Tabs? A:

  • Click on a Tab in the Tab Bar.
  • To move to the next tab, press Command-Option-Right Arrow.
  • To move back to the previous tab, press Command-Option-Left Arrow.

You can also add buttons for New Tab and Close Tab to the toolbar. Follow the steps for adding a Home button to the toolbar, above.

Q: Can I drag and drop things in tabs? A: Of course! You can drag to and from the tabs themselves, and between tabs and bookmarks, and the location bar.

  • To load a link on a page in another existing tab, drag the link to the tab.
  • To load a link in a new tab, drag the link onto the empty space behind the tabs, or (with care) onto the narrow blue divider just under the tabs.
  • To drag the URL for the page that's loaded in a tab to a second tab, or into bookmarks, or the Finder, click and drag the little icon next to the tab title.
  • To load a bookmark in a tab, drag the bookmark (from the sidebar, or from the bookmarks toolbar), and drop it onto the tab.
  • You can also drag the URL for the current page by clicking on the little icon next to the location bar. You can drag this onto a tab, into the bookmarks, or to the Finder.

Q: Why doesn't Camino 0.8.2 have the new tabs? A: The nightly builds, which contain the new tabs, can be unstable and are not guaranteed to work on OS X v10.1 (10.1 compatibility is a requirement for Camino 0.8). Copying the tabs from the nightly builds to Camino 0.8 would be very time consuming and error prone, and it is more important to maintain a stable 0.8 release with the latest security fixes for 10.1 users than to add new features.

Camino Vs. Other Browsers

Q: What's the difference between Mozilla, Firefox, and Camino? A: Mozilla is the open source integrated browser/mail/chat/webeditor derived from the code AOL opensourced when they purchased Netscape. Firefox is an effort to make a cross-platform browser better than the one built into Mozilla. Camino is a Mac OS X-native web browser that takes advantage of all the advantages of Mac OS X as an operating system. The thinking behind Camino is that you have other programs used strictly for say, chat and mail, instead of the "Swiss Army knife" approach of Mozilla.

Q: Is Camino better than Firefox? A: It's a matter of taste. They are both free, so test both. Firefox can be expanded through extension whereas Camino can't. Camino is built from the ground up to be a native browser for Mac OS X - while Firefox is "ported" to the Mac. If you want better OS integration then Camino should be your choice.

#meta !! Meta-Camino

Q: What does Camino mean? A: Camino is spanish, as in "el Camino." It means "way" or "path" and is an extension to the original idea of "Navigator" from which this project sprang. It certainly makes more sense than Chimera did. (Reference: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=156108)

Q: What do you mean, it makes more sense than Chimera? A: Camino had several different names before it became Camino. First is was Navigator (passing the torch from the old Netscape Navigator), then it was Fizzilla, then Chimera (meaning a creature made up of disparate parts -- in this case Cocoa and Gecko), and now Camino. Camino looks like it will stick.

More Misc (from Beta Site)

Q. What is Camino? A. Camino is a free, open-source web browser for Mac OS X and is based on the Mozilla codebase. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other browsers, such as the ability to block pop-up windows. Read more about the browser at the Features page or on our Project page.

Q. What is Mozilla? A. Mozilla is an open-source web browser and toolkit, designed for standards compliance, performance and portability. They coordinate the development and testing of the Firefox browser by providing discussion forums, software engineering tools, releases and bug tracking. For more about mozilla.org, read Mozilla at a Glance.

Q. What's the difference between Camino and Firefox? A. Camino is a native Apple OS X application, which means it will only work on the Mac platform. By contrast, Firefox comes in all kinds of flavours and works on most operating systems.

Camino combines the Mac user experience famous for its consistent visual and behavioral experience across applications and the operating system, together with the Gecko rendering engine, built and tested by thousands of volunteers, incorporates the absolute cutting edge in web innovations. It uses the native Interface called Aqua and uses APIs and services only available to OS X-native applications. Firefox looks like it's using the same Aqua interface, only it actually fakes it.

Q. What happened to Mozilla's Chimera project? A. For copyright reasons beyond our the projects control, we were forced to choose a new name for the project.

Q. Is Camino more secure than Internet Explorer? A. Yes, Camino and all other Mozilla-based products are more secure. Why? No spyware/adware software can automatically install in Camino just by visiting a web site. You have complete control over cookies.

Q. Is Camino free? A. Yes! Camino is open source software, meaning that anyone has the right to download and use the browser for free, and view and modify the source code under the terms of the license. The Camino project really appreciates donations <grin>.

Q. Why should I use Camino? A. Because it's free. It's the only OS X native browser using the excellent Gecko rendering engine, It's the most secure browser. It has an incredible amount of features. We could go on and on...

Q. Can Camino coexist with Mozilla and/or Firefox? A. Yes. Camino, Firefox and the Mozilla Application Suite use different profiles that don't interfere with each other.

Q. Where can I download Camino? A. Click here to download the latest official release of Camino, for more information about the release see the release notes.

Q. How do I install Camino? A. To install Camino you simply have to drag the Camino application icon to your Applications folder.

Q. How do I uninstall Camino? A. Simply drag the Camino icon to the trash and empty the trash. Optionally, remove the profile folder (UserName/Library/Application Support/Camino), which contains all your bookmarks and settings.

Q. What's the difference between releases and nightlies? A. Releases are generally more stable versions of Camino that should probably be downloaded by the first-time user. Nightly builds are released every night and contain the very latest changes, including new features and bugs. Don't expect everything to work in the nightly builds. (Well, don't expect everything to work in the releases either, considering the pre-1.0 state of Camino!)

Q. Is Camino available in my language? A. Possibly. Since Camino is an open-source project, contributors are constantly translating Camino into other languages. You can check if Camino is available in your language at the official Camino Translation Project. If you want to translate Camino into your language, be sure to check out these instructions. Make sure you check the list of active contributors first so you don't end up doing duplicate work.

Q. Where are my bookmarks, passwords and other personal information saved? A. Camino stores your personal settings, such as the bookmarks, cache and web form data, in the profile folder (UserName/Libary/Application Support/Camino).

Q. How do I import bookmarks form my other browser? A. Go to the Documentation and all about how to work with bookmarks in Camino.

Q. How do I customize the toolbar? A. Go to the "View" main menu item and select "Customize Toolbar...". A sheet will drop from the toolbar which allows you to add, remove and rearrange the icons on the toolbar.

Q. Where are my passwords saved? A. On OS X all of the passwords that are added to the keychain can be accessed and edited in the KeyChain application loacted in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder.

Q. What's the keyboard shortcut for [random feature]? A. Go to our Keyboard Shortcuts page and read the full list of supported shortcuts.

Q. How do I create a tab group? A. Go to the Documentation and read all about how to work with tabs in Camino.

Q. Why doesn't Camino have feature X? A. Camino is still a product in development, and is not feature-complete yet. Having said that, we intend to keep Camino as simple and easy to use as possible, so we are reluctant to add lots of new features. If there is a feature that you think really should be there, then give us feedback.

Q. Does Camino support Firefox extensions? A. No, and it never will. Firefox extensions rely on XUL (a user interface toolkit made by the Mozilla Foundation) to interact with the user and draw their interface. Camino uses Cocoa (an interface toolkit made by Apple) and does not support XUL.

Q. How do I make Camino the default browser in Panther (Mac OS 10.3)? A. Currently this must be done using Safari, we apologize for this. In Safari's preferences window, click General, and change the default browser to Camino. Camino 0.9 will have its own internal method to change the default browser.

Q. Does Camino have an Ad Blocker? A. No. Camino doesn't have an ad blocker. However it is possible to do a basic way of ad blocking using this css filtering. Create a plain text file called userContent.css in your profile folder. Go to this webpage to see what css rules you have to copy to your userContent.css file. Enjoy the wen without ad's.

Q. What is Talkback? A. If Camino crashes, you'll see a program called Talkback appear, asking you to send information about the crash. Asa Dotzler of mozilla.org has written a good explanation of what Talkback is:

Talkback is a client application and server (plus server infrastructure and development/administration people) contributed to mozilla.org by Netscape. mozilla.org, many years ago, agreed to make an exception and include this product with our binary nightly and milestone distributions even though it's not open source because it provides huge value in debugging and isolating stability issues. Talkback has been used to identify and debug thousands of major crash bugs in Mozilla over the years and we're very happy to be able to include it in the Firefox testing builds.

How it works: A Talkback binary is packaged up with the Camino browser binary. When the browser crashes, the Talkback application is triggered and it offers the user the option to participate. If a user says no then nothing happens. If a user agrees to help the Mozilla effort by submitting crash data then she is prompted with optional fields for including her e-mail address, the URL that triggered the crash and a comment. That user-entered data along with a stacktrace of the crash is sent to a Talkback server at Netscape which is accessible to many of the Mozilla developers. In aggregate, all of the crash data can very quickly point out specific problems being encountered by large groups of users. A small team of engineers pour through these aggregate reports and turn them into bugzilla bugs with good debug information which leads to quick fixing of the most high-profile stability problems. To see some of these bugs, query bugzilla for the keywords topcrash and topcrash+

What else: Talkback is not spyware, adware or anything of the like. Users are clearly prompted and asked to submit the report. User data unrelated to the Mozilla crash isn't at all useful to us. We only care about making Mozilla more stable. If you don't want to help Mozilla and Firefox become more stable by submitting your crash reports then don't. No data is being sent without your explicit consent. I'd encourage anyone that wants to see this browser improve to submit those reports. They are very, very helpful. But, like I said, if you don't want to, then don't. Just remember that we can't fix the bugs we can't identify. If you're happy seeing the same crash over and over then don't worry about sending in that report.