Talk:Website:Planning For Transition

From Camino Wiki
Revision as of 19:46, 28 July 2006 by Maxr (talk | contribs)
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  • Sounds great to me, Max. For moving support, development, and community to the wiki, do you propose that we keep the same tree and do a more or less literal port, or that we restructure the information in those documents as we move it to the wiki? Froodian 00:23, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
    • We'll probably want to restructure it a bit. But those are merely details. We'll have to slowly work on a restructuring plan as we go forward. Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)

  • Some concerns:
    • We need to keep Support (and at least part of Development & Community) unified in appearance with the "rest" of cb.o; that's one of the strong points of the current system (and the visuals are great)
      • This will be possible with the new theme design for the overall site. It will have an overall unified look. Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
    • We use a lot of sophisticated HTML+CSS in Support, some of which is not possible to replicate with MediaWiki easily, and some of which is not possible to replicate at all
      • I'm less concerned with this. The overall design of those pages should be changed a bit to fit a more unified look. We'll also be using quite a few MediaWiki "templates" which will allow more efficient editing (no more editing the style attribute). Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
    • We have a massive number of user accounts on the wiki, and we don't want *all* of them to be able to update Support or parts of Development; not having to go through cvs/Sam/Max to get pages updated will be great, but we also have problem contributors on the wiki who should not be able to update public-facing pages
      • This isn't a concern at all. We'll create a few groups, such as "support" and "development", put only "trusted" users into them, and allow those users to edit the pages. MediaWiki allows this. Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
    • Most of the content on the wiki currently doesn't need to be public-facing; it's a planning/discussion area (with the exceptions of some dev-related stuff we do want to make public-facing once we get it cleaned up/stabilized); we need some way to keep people from happening into the less-polished pages where we do real work/planning/etc.
      • I don't have a solid answer for this, except to say that the "Development" stuff should be public anyway. As the path of Camino is being decided, there's no reason others can't join in with comments. It shouldn't be very prominent, but it should be visible somewhere. Release notes and the like are the same way, I think (there's no reason people can't know what's landed). Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
  • Questions:
    • How easy/hard does tracking the changes to the English site become for l10n teams in this new system?
      • It should be fairly easy, if not a *lot* easier given the ability to see the History of any page. Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)
    • What about staging before going live in the new system?
      • We'll still stage the main content, which will still be handled by CVS, just not content on the wiki. This is really just moving to a more "Devmo" style of site. Maxr 11:56, 25 July 2006 (PDT)

ATM, I really think I'd prefer moving a more limited set of content to the wiki than envisioned in this plan. --sardisson 05:27, 25 July 2006 (PDT)

  • Why get a new domain for the planet stuff Why not jut implement ? --User:Ludo Jul 28 18:32:58 CEST 2006
    • It's more logical to have a new domain so that the style of the site can differ. It can make sense to have it as a subdomain, but ideally subdomains will maintain the same look, feel, and style of the main site. Moving the planet offsite allows us to change it. Maxr 19:46, 28 July 2006 (PDT)