Camino Meet-up:2007

From Camino Wiki
Revision as of 17:02, 13 June 2007 by Admin (talk | contribs) (→‎Who)
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We've received initial permission from the Mozilla Corporation to use their facilities and hold a meeting for planning Camino's future. Before we can get final permission, we need to solidify the date.

This would be an in-person meeting to discuss Camino 2 and beyond.


A Camino meet-up is scheduled to allow the developers and contributors meet and talk about the future of Camino. Please see the Schedule.


The date is scheduled for June 16-17, 2007.


All current and past contributors to Camino would be invited. We'd also invite relevant people from the Gecko team (those working on Mac development).

Confirmed Attendees

ss, pinkerton, smorgan, kreeger, froodian, jeff, ludo, cl, peeja, hwaara, josh

Pending Attendees

Can't Make It

marcello, hicks, ardissone, delliott, murph, Wevah, mento

How Much

The Mozilla Corporation will provide our meeting facility (Building K at their headquarters), some snacks and beverages, lunch for both days, and full connectivity.

We, individually, are responsible for transportation to Mountain View, lodging, meals (minus lunches), and other related expenses.

Where possible, those who live in the area could house a couple (or more!) out-of-towners to help defray the costs to them. If needed, we would try to support those who can't afford to come on their own dime, however those expenses would not be coming from MoCo and would probably come from individuals.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave them below. This wiki page was created by ss and will be initially discussed at the February 28, 2007 status meeting.