Releases:Website Checklist

From Camino Wiki
Revision as of 20:50, 19 May 2008 by Sardisson (talk | contribs) (merge 1.5.4/1.6.1 steps into the major/minor section)
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Major release

There's no clear path to doing a major release yet, however I want to keep track of a few things here for future reference.

  • Line up some blog coverage and start writing a press release about 2 weeks out.
  • Contact host (Network Redux) two to three days before release so they know load will be high.
  • Go through documentation changes and make them as needed. Be sure to read over all pages in /documentation/, since there will be changes to things you've forgotten are in certain sections. Make sure to update the TOC links.
  • Update the main page screenshot and CSS feature call-out
  • Update /features/ for new features
  • Copy the folder for the previous major release (e.g., 1.5 for the 1.6 release) in /releases/
    Find/replace 1.5 with 1.6, and 1.0 with 1.5
    Update the release date in the box
    Update the ML languages
    Note that getting these pages from the wiki into Coda (and into decent HTML) requires some manipulation
    Be sure to preserve any class or id attributes from the previous version when pasting in the new information.
  • /press/
    • Add new screenshots
    • Add the new press release
  • /downloads/
    • Do the Download, Downloads Old, and Download Releases steps from the #1.5.4 release information
    • Make downloads/releases/nightly/ point to the "latest-" folder for the active development branch
  • /contribute/
    • Hide the "Preview" box
  • ua-detection
    • Steps TBD
    • what to do about 10.3.x<9?
    • For new major releases, comment out the active messageOldPreRelease and un-comment the other
  • System requirements boxes
    • On home and /features/, update the system requirements and version number
  • Staging the release
    For the most part, follow the Major/Minor release
    • QA the RC and the ML build
    • Get the builds in bouncer
    • Stage the software update definition and update descriptions for each language
    • disable/redirect the preview site to the main page

Milestone release

There's no clear path to doing a milestone (alpha/beta) release yet, however I want to keep track of a few things here for future reference.

  • Add/re-enable the right messageOldPreRelease in ua-messages{-start).js (see relevant section in Major minor release below)
  • preview.cbo
  • cbo/contribute
  • appcast stuff
  • lock down wiki release notes

Major minor release

When releasing a Camino 1.5.x/1.6.x release, the following things need to be done to prepare the website and to update it:

In Coda:

  1. Update any files you might be touching before starting
  2. Relnotes
    1. Duplicate releases/1.5.3/
    2. Rename it to releases/1.5.4/
    3. Change page title at the top
    4. Change intro to say 1.5.4. (And 1.5.3 instead of 1.5.2)
      • For M.m->M.m.x, replace intro ("After over a year of hard work") with "Camino 1.6.1 is a stability...") and add "notes_changes" and "notes_about" sections (see any previous M.m.x page)
      • For M.m.1->M.m.2, change "update for Camino 1.6" to "update for Camino 1.6.x"
    5. Copy/Paste notes from wiki page and format like previous notes
    6. At bottom of document, change download links (en and ML) to point to 1.5.4
    7. Change release date
    8. Add any languages (none this release)
    9. Copy the intro 'p' ("no longer latest release") from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 and s/1.5.2/1.5.3
      • For M.m->M.m.x, prepend this into 'p' before the "After over a year of hard work" 'p'
  3. Download
    1. Duplicate /download/releases/1.5.3/
    2. Rename it to /download/releases/1.5.4/
    3. Duplicate /download/releases/1.5.3-MultiLang/
    4. Rename it to /download/releases/1.5.4-MultiLang/
    5. Change page title and URL at top of both pages to be 1.5.4
    6. Change intro text to be 1.5.4 on both pages (including download URLs)
    7. Change relnotes links (en, ML) near the bottom on both pages
    8. Change release date on both pages
    9. Add any languages (none this release) on the MultiLang page
  4. Downloads Old (1.5.3 + MultiLang)
    1. Change title to "Download" (remove 'ing' and '…')
    2. Remove the two $download* variables at the top of the old (1.5.3) page.
    3. Copy/paste "intro" and "col2span" from a previous release and ML release (this removes the graphical instructions)
    4. s/1.5.2/1.5.3 (3x per page)
  5. Download Releases
    1. Edit /download/releases/index.php
    2. In the "Latest Release" section, s/1.5.3/1.5.4
    3. Copy/Paste the preview release line and s/1.5.2/1.5.3
  6. htaccess
    1. Change this line: RewriteRule ^releases/latest/?$ /releases/1.5.3/ [R=302]
  7. Header
    1. In header_inc, s/1.5.3/1.5.4 (3x; text+2 links)
  8. Start Pages
    1. In ua-messages.js and ua-messages-start.js:
      1. Change latestRelease to 1.6.1
      2. Add the last release to the front of oldRelease array
      3. For new major releases, comment out the active messageOldPreRelease and un-comment the other
      4. For alphabeta releases:
        • increment the latestPreRelease, oldPreRelease array (if needed), and the text version in messageLatestPreRelease
        • Choose the correct messageOldPreRelease; uncomment the one linking to preview.cbo and comment out the other one
  9. Blog
    1. Remove the oldest blog post on the main blog page
    2. Copy the 1.5.3 blog post and paste at the top of the page
    3. Fix any wording and version numbers throughout the post (h2 id, h2 text, p text, p links, and bottom p text and links)
    4. Update any languages added in this release
    5. Fix date and time.
    6. Copy and paste it into /blog/2007/ or /blog/2008/, creating it if necessary
    7. In atom.xml:
      1. Remove the oldest entry in the file
      2. Copy/Paste the most recent blog post to the top of the feed
      3. Fix the date
        1. Issued is in local time (-700/-800)
        2. Created and Modified are in Z time
      4. Fix the 'link' to go to the correct post and have the correct title
      5. Up the 'id' incrementally by 1
      6. Fix the 'title'
      7. Remove everything in the 'content->div' tag
      8. Paste the blog post HTML into the 'content->div' tag
      9. Fix links in the post to be absolute, not relative
      10. Fix the Modified of the entire feed near the top of the file (in Z time too!)
    8. (Note: If you need to change the post after this point, be sure to change it in all four places.)
  10. Update
    1. Duplicate the M.m.x update description files
      N.B. Major releases and milestone releases have different description formats (intro pgh of their relnotes, plus link to preview.cb.o)
    2. In each description file:
      1. Change the current version number at the beginning of the sentence to the current version
      2. If M.m.1, change "stability update for Camino 1.6" to "1.6.x"
      3. Change the version number in the relnotes link
    3. Duplicate the M.m.x update definition files for en-only and ML
    4. In each definition file:
      1. Update every value (in most cases, MinOSVersion, Arch, and Intl will not change, but every other one will need updating)
      2. smorgan will generate the signature (pink and mento also have the key)

Final items (not in Coda):

  1. Get release version into Bouncer (pending final release file; usually you can do this the day before, and typically mento files the bug when staging the files)
  2. Get the release into Talkback and reports set up/running (contact Sam)
  3. Update m.o VARIABLES
    • this needs the bouncer urls, file size, etc., and the cbo release note url
    • Sam has blanket-a=reed to update VARIABLES for Camino; if Sam is missing, get reed to do it for us
  4. Try to get mozillaZine to update their links :P
  5. Email about release so we end up in newsletter.
  6. Fix the /topic in #camino
  7. New post at the Forum
    1. Unsticky the RC thread
    2. Find the thread for the previous release, copy it with s/oldversionnumber/newversionnumber/, and post as a new sticky thread
  8. Update the tag in Development:Building#FAQ
  9. Update the dates and links in Development:Roadmap