
From Camino Wiki
Jump to navigation Jump to search is currently managed almost entirely in CVS. There are few exceptions to this (two of them being the subdomain and this wiki). This change was made for easier editing of pages. It is also the current way manages their website (though much of their information is slowly moving to their wiki and devmo).

Getting a Login/Password

To gain access to, please contact Maximilian Ruderburg. Access will be given to those who will be frequently updating the website and have expressed a desire to help by reporting bugs with the current website (either in Bugzilla or to the web team).

Currently the following people have access to's CVS: Samuel Sidler, Nate Weaver, Jasper Hauser, Satoru Yamaguchi, and Maximilian Ruderburg.

Using CVS from the Terminal

The following is a quick overview of how to setup CVS to connect to's repository from the terminal. It assumes that you have a basic knowledge of terminal usage as well as that bash is your terminal of choice (default on Mac OS X).

  • Set ssh as your preferred method of connectivity using the following command: export CVS_RSH="ssh"
  • Set your CVSROOT using the following command (replacing username appropriately): export
  • Checkout the source using the following command (you will be prompted for your password): cvs checkout caminobrowser-org

You can update and add/remove files in CVS just as you would any other CVS repository. These changes immediately go to the staging server for viewing. Google for CVS tutorials for information on how to do that.

Using CVS with MacCVSClient X

There are few GUI CVS clients for OS X. The most stable one (though it has *many* issues) is MacCVSClient X. The following steps give an outline of howto setup MacCVSClient X to work with's CVS.

  • Download MacCVSClient X.
  • Open MacCVSClient X.
  • Go to preferences and set the following:
    • Repository Access Method: SSH2
    • Host:
    • Root: /home/jonagold/cvsroot
    • User: username
  • Press "New" to save the settings and then "OK" to close the window.
  • Select Repository -> Checkout
  • Type in the module: caminobrowser-org
  • Press OK.
  • You will be prompted for your password.

You have now successfully checked out from the server. Wherever you checked out to (by default the desktop), you can open those files and edit them like normal. When they are edited and you return to the Sandbox (which opened when you checked out), the files will show in red. Simply right click on those files and select "Commit". Enter a checkin comment and you've now uploaded to the staging server.


Currently there are two used modules in the caminobrowser repository. They are caminobrowser-org and jp-caminobrowser-org. These modules correspond to and, respectively. Checkout the one you'll be using.


Currently, does not have a complete Bonsai-like web tool for viewing checkins. However, an inferior web tool has been setup which gives some information on recent checkins as well as versioning information.

This webtool is located at